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Anpas intervention for the Earthquake in Emilia Romagna
13 June – How to help Public Assistance Groups damaged 1 June – On the request of the National Department of Civil Protection, the Anpas Piedmont protected structure for children has Started from Piedmont. The structure will reach a camp set up to assist the people of San Giacomo of Mirandola from the Piedmont Region. The protected structure for children is a space dedicated to children age zero to eleven to give them a sense of normalcy and tranquillity during the emergency. It is equipped in a way that guarantees that the children have both the playful side with games and activities and a side to sleep with folding beds for a nap. The structure will be operational thanks to the presence of adequately trained Piedmont Civil Protection volunteers. In addition to the two Anpas camps at Mirandola and Novi di Modena, the Public Assistance volunteers are also involved with mobile Columns of the Region. The National Operation Room has begun monitoring vehicles, equipment and volunteers engaging with the Regions.
“There are around 10,000 people received in the centers equipped by the various columns of the civil protection system. We are also prompting people to seek hotel solutions. We are working to get 1500 air conditioners to cool the tents in the hot weather,” said the Head of the Department of Civil Protection, Franco Gabrielli, who arrived in the evening at the Anpas Camp in Mirandola. A camp that today holds 284 people and is supported b 65 Anpas volunteers coming from various regions of Italy. “I would say that the National Service of Civil Protection has responded in an absolutely adequate manner. Allow me to praise this extraordinary world of Civil Protection volunteers of this country that I can assure you: the problem is to keep them because they are given a chance to show what they can do. They do it with passion, with dedication and now also with the highest professionalism. Volunteering is a world that is professionalizing and specializing while maintaining its character of liberty and free will. It is a world of gratitude, of generosity, and of passion”.
30 May – In Emilia the ground continues to tremble and the number of citizens that need to leave their homes and sleep in the civil protection camps continues to increase. During the day the second camp was completed in Novi di Modena which sees at this moment 68 active volunteers. During the night a container with tables and benches arrived from the Regional chapter Anpas Abruzzo.
The National Operation Room is organizing the first shift change, for Saturday the 2nd of June, for the camps of Novi di Modena and Mirandola. It was an enormous effort of the Public Assistance of Modena to ensure health care in the province, thanks to others volunteers of Emilia Romagna. After the first shock (20 May) the association was immediately involved in the evacuation of the Mirandola hospital. There was a strengthening of the services of 118 with another 10 ambulances (H24), plus another 5 (H24) involved in the activities of transferring and moving between the different structures. Following the second shock (28 May) the association organized the evacuation of the Carpi hospital. Just for health care activities, the Public Assistance of Modena is active today with 36 ambulances (h26) to cover the entire territory.
29 May – After ten days, a new earthquake sequence has affected Emilia Romagna. The commitment of Anpas continues with the set-up of a new (second) camp that can accommodate 250 people: already a kitchen module has left from Anpas Regional Chapter of Lombardy, and a structure for the canteen of the camp arrived from Anpas Regional Chapter of Abruzzo. Arriving from Tuscany is an electrical module.
The work of Anpas volunteers of the National Operation Room continues in the coordination of resources and operations in the affected areas.
26 May – A week after the shock of the earthquake with a magnitude 6.1 on the Richter scale that affected Emilia Romagna, the control of the first Anpas national mobile column has passed to the new expedition that will run the two camps in Mirandola until the following Saturday, the 2nd of June. The new national mobile column is made up of 45 volunteers, coming from the regions of Abruzzo, Campania, Lazio, Lombardy, Marche, Tuscany, Umbria, and Valle d’Aosta. There are volunteers specializing in responsibilities in the kitchen, secretaries of the camp, and in the logistics sector (electricity, plumbing, etc.) The National Operation Room is managed instead by two volunteer operators. Anpas provides around one thousand meals daily thanks to the work of the kitchen set up in the camp of piazza Costa, where 250 people come to be hosted, with the highest respect for the diverse cultures of the people present in the camp. This too is helping to achieve the objective of social inclusion that the new volunteers of the earthquake are also trying to meet in full. It should be noted that the National Association of Public Assistance, also in full emergence with the earth in Emilia, is progressing with its work to sensitize the people to adopt the Zero Waste strategy, with the reduction of the associative movements of volunteers who arrive at camp from other regions. Meanwhile, the earth still shakes. Today there were 25 shocks of low and medium intensity recorded, the strongest at dawn with a magnitude of 3.4 and in the afternoon 3.2. The frequency of the shocks increases the “psychosis” among the citizens who are far from home, and even those whose homes have already been declared fit for use by fire fighters, and so the number of displaced persons has gone up again. By the seventh day of the earthquake in fact there were around seven thousand people scattered among the 12 camps that were set up or the 46 covered structures – gyms or community buildings – and the 14 hotels that give hospitality to the earthquake victims. 1,200 volunteers will assist Civil Protection, who meanwhile is defining a plan for early intervention with the local authorities and law enforcement agencies, those who are able to ensure public safety and the rapid development of rescue operations. In Rome, at the seat of the National Department of Civil Protection, 150 Anpas volunteers are instead involved in the training of the project “Earthquake – I don’t risk it”, which will be repeated this year in 100 piazzas spread in all the regions of Italia, on the weekend of the 13th-14th of October, after the high success obtained the last year in the experimental phase of 9 piazzas in 6 regions.
Mirandola, 24 May 2012. The commitment of Anpas volunteers in the earthquake-affected area of Emilia continues: from social and health services for the people to setting up camps for civil protection to assistance for the elderly, the efforts of public assistance continue uninterrupted from the day of the earthquake.
Alice, a Blue Cross volunteer said, “I look into the eyes of the people and come to embrace them all. I am sad every time people are forced to contact us to have a pillow or a blanket. In this tragedy however, I have seen that the people are united: the Cavezzo nursing home, for example, has helped us a lot with washing and changing the sheets for the beds we placed in the library”. Enrico, of the San Prospero Blue Cross said, “I still can’t believe that it happened here and then didn’t stop shaking. It has stopped our lives, but we have the need and responsibility to think not only of our own children and our own houses, but also of the rest of the people that come to us and say: I am also afraid to take a shower and I can hardly return home to brush my teeth”. The Anpas camp in Mirandola. During the day yesterday, 57 volunteers of the Anpas national mobile column have assembled 25 tents at the camp in Piazza Costa in Mirandola, which at night received 120 people. Today they continue the procedure of constructing the camp that can accommodate around 250 people. A lot of attention in the intervention has been given to the sustainable management of the emergency and the importance of social inclusion within the Anpas camp. Not only, therefore, an intervention of civil protection in the strict sense, but an implementation and promotion of good practices in a broader view of the common good. Anpas has also adopted the strategy of Zero Waste in the management of this emergency: we have reduced to the minimum, in fact, the associated movements of volunteers who arrive in the camp from other regions. Given the vicinity of the station in Mirandola, Anpas will utilize public transportation to get their volunteers to the camp in Piazza Costa. Given the variety of cultures and origins of the population, the kitchen of the camp also works for the diversification of meals with the full respect of the different cultures of people present at the camp. Moreover, a census was initiated, of Anpas volunteers capable of speaking other languages and having a bearing on the revelation of the needs of those who don’t speak Italian. The national operation room continues to operate 24 hours with two volunteers to guarantee not only the support of the camp in Mirandola and to the Anpas regional committee, but also to the Anpas volunteers. Marco Lumello, coordinator of the Anpas national operation room says “The professionalism of the management of the emergency by the national operation in collaboration with the regional operation rooms is the result of the important training that Anpas has put together over the last few years”. The estimated damage of the City of Mirandola. Just within the city of Mirandola there are around 4000 displaced persons. Assistance to the elderly in nursing homes has doubled: there are in fact 80 people assisted by public assistance supported by the city. There are at least 150 business that were damaged by the earthquake, but it is still not possible to estimate the damage. The city declared that there were 250 interventions to assess businesses and homes, not to mention the damage to artistic heritage. “The red zone is widening day after day, because of the continuous shocks and it is eating up our beautiful historic center”.
22 May – updates from the Anpas National Operation Room. The Anpas national operation room, coordinated by national officer Marco Lumello, is operating 24 hours to guarantee maximum efficiency to support the activities of the associations operating in the areas affected by the earthquake, and also to support the Department of Civil Protection. At this time 64 volunteers of the National disaster relief intervention column are active. Another Anpas volunteer is present in the Italy Room at the Department of Civil Protection. From the morning of May 22, volunteers of the National disaster relief intervention column began to assemble a camp in piazza Costa in Mirandola. These volunteers include 12 from Veneto, 15 from Tuscany, 13 from Liguria, and 14 from Piedmont.
21 May: The situation in Mirandola and the interventions of Anpas volunteers. Within a few minutes after the earthquake, at 11 in the morning 250 Anpas volunteers, 46 ambulances, 27 buses and 15 medical cars were active. Yesterday afternoon Anpas coordinated and carried out the evacuation of the Mirandola hospital: around 90 people were taken to other hospitals in the province of Modena. Immediately after the earthquake, until 11 on the 20th of May, there were around 20 people for recovery operations. The structure: At 4:30 on May 20th there was already in place an Advanced Medical Post and a Triage in the square opposite the hospital in Mirandola. In the afternoon the enclosed structure of the Public Assistance of Parma arrived. Two reception points: the sports hall, which has a 400 person capacity, and the tennis center which can accommodate 200 people. At 20:00 yesterday evening 40 volunteers were active with 12-hour shifts. The kitchen of Castelfranco Emilia: Yesterday evening, at the sports hall of Mirandola, the mobile kitchen of the Castelfranco Emilia Public Assistance made a meal for 1200 people.
The national operations room. The equipment and material of the National disaster relief intervention column rrived in Mirandola, in the square opposite the seat of the Blue Cross. On site there are also those responsible for health and civil protection, the deputy head of the national operation, Egidio Pelagatti, and the national head of Logistics, Andrea Ciampi. Anpas volunteers from Veneto, Liguria, Piedmont, and Tuscany were activated and ready to start. From Lombardy, structures to support the national mobile center are ready to go. Other Anpas volunteers were activated with the centers of the regions, yesterday afternoon the kitchen and tensioned structure of Anpas Marche started and in the night the mobile center of the Region of Tuscany started with 30 volunteers, 12 ambulances, 8 tents, a kitchen and generator. 20 May. The national operations room opened at 5:10 with 2 volunteers. Volunteers from Public Assistance in the areas affected by the earthquake in Emilia Romagna were active from four in the morning, until a few minutes after 4 in the night. All of the volunteers of Ferrara and Modena were operating in the affected areas, also supported by the associations of neighboring provinces for hospital transfers, emergency 118, setting up of Advanced Medical Posts (Mirandola and Finale Emilia), and civil protection interventions. The commitment of Anpas Public Assistance volunteers will continue until the end of the emergency. Profile: https://www.facebook.com/anpas.org
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How to help Public Assistance Groups damaged L’intervento di Anpas in Emilia Di terremoti, false leggende e info utili
L’intervento Anpas a Caterpillar COSA FARE IN CASO DI TERREMOTODurante il terremoto • Stai lontano da impianti industriali e linee elettriche. E’ possibile che si verifichino incidenti • Assicurati dello stato di salute delle persone attorno a te. Così aiuti chi si trova in difficoltà ed agevoli l’opera di soccorso Prima del terremoto • Evita di tenere gli oggetti pesanti su mensole e scaffali particolarmente alti. Fissa al muro gli arredi più pesanti perché potrebbero caderti addosso • Tieni in casa una cassetta di pronto soccorso, una torcia elettrica, una radio a pile, un estintore ed assicurati che ogni componente della famiglia sappia dove sono riposti • A scuola o sul luogo di lavoro informati se è stato predisposto un piano di emergenza. Perché seguendo le istruzioni puoi collaborare alla gestione dell’emergenza Terremoto: io non rischio
Clicca per ulteriori descrizioni dell’iniziatva promossa da Protezione Civile e Anpas, in collaborazione con INGV e ReLUIS (Consorzio della Rete dei Laboratori Universitari di Ingegneria Sismica).Scarica il materiale di “Terremoto-Io non rischio”, prodotto nell’ambito del progetto Edurisk con la collaborazione di Giunti Progetti Educativi: |
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