I don’t risk 2023: 14-15 October in more than a thousand places
IO NON RISCHIO: BUONE PRATICHE DI PROTEZIONE CIVILE Il 14 e il 15 ottobre migliaia di volontari nelle piazze italiane
Reducing the effects of natural risks is possible: for this Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 October the national days of “I don’t take risks – Good civil protection practices” return to more than a thousand Italian squares, the campaign on the actions with which each of us can help reduce risks such as earthquake, flood, tsunami, volcanic risk and forest fires.
The two-day event, which will close the National Civil Protection Week, will bring thousands of civil protection volunteers to animate information points throughout Italy, from large cities to smaller islands, to spread that culture of prevention through which everyone can make the difference in their own safety and that of those
around them. «There is an urgent need for a culture of prevention, underlines the Head of the Civil Protection Department Fabrizio Curcio, who must increasingly also guide daily choices. Awareness of risks and knowledge of the
correct behaviors to adopt are essential tools through which the population takes an active role in risk prevention. Indeed, given the many types of risks that affect our country,
translating the “culture of prevention” into daily practices, from individual choices to those that concern entire communities, is now a priority that cannot be postponed. When we buy a house, for example, or when we enroll our child in school we must ask ourselves what risks could affect that area, what the municipal civil protection plan provides, and make informed choices.” «For us who, with Reluis
and INGV, proposed and then developed this campaign with the Department of Civil Protection, I don’t risk is an important event», comments the president of Anpas Niccolò Mancini. «For the Anpas public assistance movement, I don’t take risks has become a habit which however continues to experiment with increasingly effective communication techniques to promote the “culture of prevention” with every possible means and involving more and more people» Alessandro Benini, Civil Protection manager Anpas: «A campaign that is renewed every year and tries to reaching ever larger audiences is testimony to the success of an idea of ours that comes from afar in which science, volunteering and institutions collaborate in an increasingly profitable way to increase the safety of our communities. This year we also involved volunteers in the Civil Service to introduce even the youngest to this campaign which is active every day of the year.”
I don’t risk is a public communication campaign on good civil protection practices based on the
synergy between science, volunteers and institutions, which is aimed at everyone, with clear and recognizable messages, to
transform awareness into action, 365 days a year. I don’t risk is promoted by the Department of Civil Protection with Anpas (National Association of Public Assistance), Ingv (National Institute of
Geophysics and Volcanology), Reluis (Network of University Laboratories of Earthquake Engineering), Fondazione Cima (
International Center for Environmental Monitoring), Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces and ANCI, National Association of Italian Municipalities.
On the official website www.iononrischio.gov.it and on the Campaign’s social profiles (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) it is possible to consult information materials, find useful information and updates on scheduled appointments.
Roma, 19 settembre 2023
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