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MANY (Mediterranean Autonomous Network for Youth)


Many is a network of youth organizations, who want to promote and affirm the leadership of the young people of the Mediterranean.

Young protagonists are young people who participate in the life of their communities and their countries, and the construction of a social space supra-national. Young protagonists are young people who do not care only about themselves, but that deal with everything that happens in society at various levels. Young protagonists are young people who actually work on those things that directly affect opportunities for social integration for them and for others emotions, training, work. In this way, the young people of the Mediterranean directly contribute to the social construction of human rights and peace for all.


"MANY" is a Mediterranean platform for communication, exchange and cooperation available to young people and, indirectly, to those who deal with young people, through which:

  • promote meeting, knowledge, personal relationship among young people belonging to  different geographical, socio - political, cultural and religious backgrounds;
  • state the  culture and the practice of dialogue and mutual cooperation in the Mediterranean area;
  • develop opportunities of training and personal growth of young people in the Mediterranean area;
  • facilitate information exchange, open and critic debate, sharing of ideas and concrete collaboration for common projects among youth and youth organizations of the Mediterranean area;
  • favour aware participation of young people in social life and political decisions on a local, national, and international level;
  • help increase  the involvement of public institutions and enterprises  in favour of young people, their rights and their future.


The MANY network was established in Cosenza on October 31th, 2011. The members are 56 organizations of 14 different Mediterranean countries.

MANY is governed by a Board, consisting of 4 young people from Italy, Croatia, Palestine and Algeria.

The Secretariat is provided by "Delfino Lavoro", a social cooperative of Cosenza that, in the years 2008 to 2011, has promoted three editions of MeYouMe - Mediterranean Youth Meeting with the participation of hundreds of young leaders of youth organizations from all the countries that bordering the Mediterranean.

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L’Associazione Nazionale Pubbliche Assistenze
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ANPAS IN NUMERI 940 pubbliche assistenze, oltre 100mila volontari e volontarie, 500mila soci, 3171 dipedenti, 3319 ragazzi e ragazze in servizio civile7135 mezzi, 118 piazze Io non rischio, 9 progetti di cooperazione in 7 paesi del mondo.


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