EvreCa! First team of EU Aid Volunteers concluded its mission


Team Alpha, first out of the three teams of European Civil Protection Volunteers, has just concluded its needs assessment mission. The team has been deployed in the Caribbean region (Grenada and Barbados) within the framework of the EVRECA! – European Volunteers for Response in the Caribbean – project, funded by DG ECHO under the EU Aid Volunteers initiative.

The Evreca! Project, lead by the Italian Civil Protection Department, has the objective of strengthening capacities of the Caribbean Civil Protection Authorities in the fields of Disaster Management. Moreover, the project is facilitating the cooperation between Caribbean Partner States (Barbados, Grenada and British Virgin Islands) allowing knowledge circulation and sharing of best practices in the management of Volunteers to be involved in DRR activities.

The objective of Team Alpha – composed by Markus Leimegger and Annalisa Bergantini from  Anpas, Laura Audenino and Giuliano Paterniti from the Italian Red Cross – has been to build a network of relations with National and Regional stakeholders.

The EU Aid Volunteers involved in this first deployment, met with the national and regional agencies for disaster management and a number of local groups of volunteers, whom clearly evidenced their needs: improvement of emergency plans, shelter management guidelines, training and volunteer management.

International actors, like UNDP and Delegation of the EuropeanUnion to Barbadosand the Eastern Caribbean welcomed the Team and showed their willingness to build synergies with other ongoing projects.

The following teams – Bravo and Charlie – thanks to the work of team Alpha, have a better understanding of needs and a comprehensive network of stakeholders with whom to implement capacity-building activities and training modules. 

Check the blog www.evreca.eu or follow on Twitter @EvrecaProject


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When: 22 March – 5/6 April 2014

Where: First week in Grenada, second in Barbados


Team Alpha

Markus Leimegger (Anpas)
Annalisa Bergantini (Anpas)
Laura Audenino (C.R.I.)
Giuliano Paterniti (C.R.I.)


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