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ASB in supporto agli sfollati in Ucraina in preparazione all’invernoNel mese di novembre ASB,l’associazione tedesca membro come Anpas di Samaritan International, ha avviato un progetto di preparazione all’inverno, con il quale saranno forniti agli sfollati ucraini alimenti, prodotti per l’igiene, vestiti invernali e altri materiali, fino a febbraio. ASB supports IDPs in Ukraine with winterization measures. In november ASB launched a winterization-project in Ukraine which will provide IDPs with food, hygiene products, winterproof clothing and equipment until February. According to UN more than 450.000 people have fled their homes in eastern Ukraine and Crimea coming to other regions of the country. „Many of the so called internally displaced people now live in collected housings, with no winterproof accomodation, no winterproof clothing and without medical care, ASB General Managing Director Christian Reuter explains. To help these people ASB, with financial support from the German Federal Foreign Office, started a project focused on winterization. The project will be implemented in the regions of Kiev, Poltawa and Charkiw together with the Samaritan organisation of the Ukraine (SSU). With the onset of winter the humanitarian situation of the IDPs becomes even more problematic. Among other things the relief efforts focus on providing 1.000 IDPs with winter jackets and boots, gloves, hats, scarfs and socks. From november 2014 to February 2015 another 3.000 persons will be provided with food and hygiene products. In addition to that they will get food kits that contain nonperishable food such as rice, noodles or canned food monthly. The hygiene kits include among other things detergent, toiletry and diapers. For another 500 IDPs safe and winter-proof housing respectively shared accomodation will be rented. Furthermore the project will guarantee basic medical care in the shared accomodations. The project especially addresses IDPs from vulnerable groups such as for example women with children, unaccompanied minors, elderly people, people with disabilities and people with chronic diseases. |
La notizia sul sito di ASB https://www.asb.de/de/news/2014-11/asb-leistet-winterhilfe-fuer-fluechtlinge-der-ukraine |