The initiative will be held on 13 and 14 October in Italian squares

About one hundred squares in one hundred Italian municipalities, 18 Regions and one AutonomousProvince, 66 Provinces, over 1,500 volunteers from 12 national organizations: these are the figures ofthe “Terremoto – io non rischio – Earthquake – I don’t risk” campaign, an initiative for seismic riskreduction that will be held on 13 and 14 October in the squares of our peninsula.The campaign is sponsored by the Civil Protection Department and Anpas – National Association ofPublic Assistance, in collaboration with INGV – National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanologyand ReLuis –  Network of University Laboratories of Seismic Engineering. The initiative is carried outwith the collaboration of involved Regions and Municipalities.

Il Capo Dipartimento Gabrielli con i volontari Anpas

During the search for a location, squares in municipalities classified in zone 1 or 2 – where strong orvery strong earthquakes may occur – were chosen first. There are also some squares in municipalitiesclassified in zone 3, where strong earthquakes are less likely to occur.
Civil protection volunteers from 12 organizations will be the leading actors of the campaign. They havebeen trained on seismic risk and have, in their turn, trained other volunteers; thus, they played a mainrole also in the process of knowledge diffusion. During the two-day event, volunteers will distributeinformative documents and will respond to the citizens’ questions on possible actions to undertake forseismic risk reduction.The initiative aims at promoting a prevention culture, training more and more aware and specializedvolunteers, and starts a process that will put citizens at the centre of seismic risk reduction procedures.Everyone is involved in learning to prevent and reduce the impact of earthquakes: each citizen has theresponsibility to give a contribution to raise awareness on seismic risk.
Earthquake – I don’t risk: volunteers’ training will be completed in the month of September
September 7, 2012
The website dedicated to the campaign is now online:

Viadana, Terremoto io non rischio
Training. The training of 1,500 volunteers who are taking part to the “Earthquake – I don’t risk”campaign will be completed in the month of September. The initiative for seismic risk reduction will beheld on 13 and 14 October in 102 squares on the entire Italian territory.
The project is composed by a first phase with the training of over 300 volunteers held by experts of theDepartment, Ingv, ReLuis and Anpas, in the premises of the Civil Protection Department.
During summer, volunteers trained in turn 1,200 more volunteers. This way, they got directly involvedin the knowledge diffusion process. Supervisors of training activities are called “seniors”, having takenpart to the 2011 edition. Meetings with volunteers are scheduled on 8-9, 15-16 and 22-23 September inorder to verify the efficacy of the experience.
The campaign. On 13 and 14 October, volunteers will distribute in various Italian squares informativematerial and will answerto the citizens’ questions on possible actions for seismic risk reduction.

Viadana, Terremoto io non rischio

Viadana, Terremoto io non rischio

The initiative is sponsored by the Civil Protection and Anpas, in collaboration with IIngv and ReLuis.Regions and relevant Municipalities are also involved.
Besided Anpas, other 11 volunteering organizations take part to the 2012 edition: Ana, Anai, Avis, Fir-CB, Legambiente Onlus, National Confederation of Misericordie d’Italia, Prociv Arci, FederazionePsicologi per i Popoli, Rnre, Ucis, Unitalsi.
A website dedicated to the campaign. The website is dedicated to the initiative:there is a list with the associations involved and the squares where the campaign will take place, sortedby Regions. There is also a “Q&A” section on seismic risk, on building safety and rules of behaviour incase of emergency.





dal sito

Le piazze del 13 e 14 ottobre 


Info e Materiali

Clicca per ulteriori descrizioni dell’iniziatva promossa da Protezione Civile e Anpas, in collaborazione con INGV e ReLUIS (Consorzio della Rete dei Laboratori Universitari di Ingegneria Sismica).

Scarica il materiale di “Terremoto-Io non rischio”, prodotto nell’ambito del progetto Edurisk con la collaborazione di Giunti Progetti Educativi:

Il sito della campagna

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